Monday, October 22, 2012

the rain is here

i'm up, writing a lesson i'm excited to share, and listening to the rain drizzle on the roof. it's a lovely moment and I am happy to savor it.

Friday, May 18, 2012

i am really really fucking grateful that today is the last day

i am grateful for the maturity that has helped me decide to go to school in a careful way. to not try and do 5 things at once, but to take my mental health seriously and quit this fucking horrible job before it ruins me and my family. because i will always find money.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

best fake gfs

we are lucky ladies, with cool haircuts and cool shoes, and we are lucky to have each other as friends.

we are always looking for cooler things (until we succeed at transcending, that is), but let's just take a moment - we have it pretty great right now. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

work for hire

i am SO grateful today that there is someone at my house, cleaning it, while i am at the office.

Friday, May 11, 2012

dance class

I'm awfully grateful for dance class today. I'm still a dancer! Thanks, Katie Faulkner.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Things that start with M

I am grateful for:
Modern medicine. Allergy meds! Antibiotics for a sinus infection (gross)! Ambien! Light at the end of the tunnel!

Music. Live music joy seeing TuneYards at the Fox with fun friends.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Today I need to be grateful for a bunch of things

I am grateful for the nice review. Like, really grateful.
I am grateful for friends who will come out to modern dance events for me.
I am grateful for spring and asparagus.
I am grateful for this really pretty ridiculously easy life.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

lunch date

I am grateful for the last minute lunch date that got me out of the office and into the sun. Cobb salad and new orleans style iced coffee enjoyed on a loading dock, and the company of an ex that I am still learning to be friends with (which is a process I think is good for me, and I'm grateful for that too.)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

amy poehler and tina fey

i'm grateful for hilarious women, who don't fucking care and got wonderful female humor mainstream. HELL YES. also for Ashley Judd, this week. I was grateful for hot pictures of her a** a decade or so ago, but my awe is more intellectual now.

for community and friends who push me the right way

i'm grateful that my friends are awesome and trying to be awesomer. I'm grateful for excellent encouragement. and for the reminder that being grateful when things are wrong is exactly the time to do the exercise. STRETCH, little consciousness!

which reminds me that i'm also grateful for YOGA CLASSES, which I get to go to on Wednesdays (today!). They rock my socks.


I am grateful for dried blueberries. We must be grateful for tiny things sometimes, mustn't we?

Monday, April 16, 2012


lupinus excubitus

i'm grateful for he amazing network of parks in the beautiful East Bay. I also love the awkward and too-long acronym for the collection of them, EBRPD.

AND i'm grateful that california grows a bluebonnet knock off for me. it's like a tribute to the past, firmly in the present. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

why I don't make solos

I am grateful for dancers. At this moment I am particularly grateful for the dancers working on this odd little duet with me. They are creatively generous. Or generously creative? And they are patient and playful and lovely. This is why I don't make solos!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I am grateful for El's audition coaching. Whatever happens, it was fun to think about objectives and options and paying attention. Plus she fed me too. Thank you, El!

Monday, April 2, 2012


It's pretty awesome sharing this blog, so the gratitude can keep flowing even when I am not personally expressing mine (at least not electronically). So, I am grateful for the collaboration!

Oh, and also I am grateful for the opportunity to shake my booty to good music and with good friends for hours this weekend.

That was a lot of prepositions in one sentence.

end pleonasm

i am so grateful for word nerds who have populated an entire wikipedia page with examples of [the hated] pleonasm, which is frankly the most idiotic and annoying way to use our lovely language.

thanks, word nerds.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


i'm grateful for my bestie

who understands my ADD & half completed sentences and is really fun to drink wine and play fashion show with.

who doesn't mind when i finish a sentence with a preposition,

and besides her many other talents, she cooks yummy kale!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


i'm grateful to live in a place where these things grow wild. especially that they have taken up residence in my yard. my mom had a bouquet of calla lilies at her wedding to my stepdad, and they were exotic and beautiful. now they remind me of her every morning.

Friday, March 16, 2012


this happened in my house. i bought this orchid , in full bloom, when i started my job last year. it's been a year of public service, and while I'm not thrilled with the results, I am proud that I got this to happen.
(i may have grown these? i can't remember.)

challenges don't always come where we expect them. i thought the orchid would be really hard, and the job would be fantastic. It's the opposite-- the job has been quite a trial, and the orchid was a delight.

i'm grateful for lessons learned, especially when they end with something beautiful.